Below you will find some useful resources about the causes and treatment of disease-related malnutrition and clinical nutrition.
If you would like to discuss how AYMES nutritional supplements can help prevent and treat malnutrition or you would like to arrange for an AYMES representative to discuss cost-effective prescribing, please contact us.
Malnutrition and Clinical Nutrition Websites

BAPEN is a charitable association that raises awareness of malnutrition and works to advance the nutritional care of patients and those at risk from malnutrition in the wider community. The BAPEN website has information about the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool or MUST, which is used to detect undernutrition and overnutrition in healthcare settings such as hospitals and nursing homes.

The aims of ESPEN are to encourage the rapid diffusion of knowledge and its application in the field of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition or, more broadly, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.

The online home of the UK’s number one clinical nutrition publications, Complete Nutrition (CN) and CN Focus Magazines.

The Malnutrition Task Force website offers a range of resources for healthcare professionals with the aim of reducing malnutrition in older people so that their health is optimised and reduce unnecessary costs across the NHS, health and social care systems.

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The NHS Choices website provides an overview of the signs and symptoms of malnutrition and it estimates that over 3 million people in the UK are affected by disease-related malnutrition. The NHS Choices website also has useful information on preventing and treating malnutrition for patients.

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Nutrition support in adults – this quality standard from NICE defines clinical best practice within the area of nutrition support for adults at risk of malnutrition or who have become malnourished in hospitals and also in the community setting.
Other Nutrition-Related Websites

The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) was established over 45 years ago and exists to deliver authoritative, evidence-based information on food and nutrition in the context of health and lifestyle.

Established in 1902, Cancer Research UK funds over half of the UK’s cancer research, including the life-saving work of over 4000 scientists, doctors and nurses fighting cancer on all fronts.

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The Association of UK Dietitians is the professional body for Dietitians and is open to anyone working in the fields of dietetics, nutrition or who has an interest in diet or food.

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The Nutrition Society is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to advancing the scientific study of nutrition and its application and has five scientific journals which are published by Cambridge University Press.
Nutrition Resources for Patients

A great cookbook, specially written by Mhairi Donald and Catriona Brooks for cancer patients who are having difficulty with eating.