On Wednesday 5th June we were thrilled to present a cheque for £1000 to The Mark McCloskey Foundation who fund SUDEP and Epilepsy Research. Our donation helped them achieve the milestone of fundraising over £20k for this incredible cause.
The Charity is in memory of Mark McCloskey, who died tragically of SUDEP aged 35. It aims to incorporate his values of kindness, inclusion, support, respect, collaboration and ultimately to save lives. Founded by Mark’s wife Lesley McCloskey, mother Liz Mclellan, and friends Derek Hunter, Ryan Waterson and Lianne Aitken, The Mark McCloskey Foundation works towards its goals of:
Raising funds to contribute towards scientific research into preventing SUDEP. Short term, funds raised planned to be provided to the Muir Maxwell Centre in Edinburgh.
Raise awareness of SUDEP and Epilepsy in Scotland by providing information through our website, social media and fund raising events.
Working towards funding a dedicated research post into SUDEP.
Working towards funding a counselling service for those newly diagnosed with Epilepsy.
To work alongside medical professionals to communicate about SUDEP to patients with epilepsy as well as their loved ones.
To find out more, or to donate, visit https://www.markmccloskeyfoundation.co.uk