On Friday 12th July we presented a cheque for £1000 to Feeding Families. Based in the North East of England, this charity brings communities together by providing food hampers at Christmas to families who are struggling to make ends meet.
Christmas raises expectations in all of us of happy times, good food and gifts. For many families, however, it is just another stress on top of the daily challenges of living. The added expense of providing special things for their family can be overwhelmingly difficult.
Feeding Families is built around the generosity of people willing to help those less fortunate than themselves to enjoy Christmas.
They accept requests for hampers from anyone who is in genuine need, and match them up with kind hearted people who donate a Christmas Hamper full of everything to make a special Christmas dinner. It's just one less thing for the recipient to have to worry about.
To find out more, or to give a hamper, visit https://feedingfamilies.org.uk